Great Teaching: Adaptive and Responsive Teaching

Suitable for: Headteacher, Heads of Department, Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, LTA, SENDCO

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL114 KS1; KS2
  • Elaine Williams (Assessment Consultant)
  • Steph Johnson (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant)

This course is part of a series of courses using evidence-based research to develop, and embed, 'great' teaching and learning.
This course aims:
• to explore what is meant by adaptive and responsive teaching and consider key messages from research relating to this;
• to consider the importance of formative assessment before and during a lesson and how this informs planning for learning and re-shaping of lessons;
• to have a range of strategies to support the above; and
• to explore practical ideas and strategies to make learning accessible for all children, including those children working below ARE, and to provide challenge for those children who are ready for further depth and breadth of learning.

Research, and practical experience, highlight the importance of diagnostic and formative assessment when planning for progress in learning.

This popular course will consider the 'foundations' which need to be in place for effective adaptive and responsive practice within the classroom. It will give delegates a range of practical ideas, which can be applied immediately, to enhance their practice.

"There was so much useful information." Feedback from Lancashire Teacher.

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