Success in SATs (KS2 Maths)

Suitable for: Teachers,

Course code Keystages Presented by
MAT184 KS2
  • Tim Kirk (Teaching and Learning Consultant Mathematics)

Course Aims
• To identify the essential topics and skills required to meet the expected standard in mathematics at the end of KS2.
• To consider strategies to develop children’s understanding and skills in these core areas.
• To consider the range of materials that are available to teachers in supporting children to make appropriate levels of progress by the end of KS2.
• To explore top tips for children to maximise their success in both the arithmetic and reasoning tests.
• To look at revision and intervention strategies to ensure pupils have the breadth and depth of understanding to meet the expected standard

This course will discuss implications arising from the statutory Key Stage 2 tests for mathematics and will support participants in effectively preparing for them. It will identify adaptations in teaching required to support children in accessing these tests and in maximising their opportunities for success.

Top tips for test technique will be shared and discussion will focus on how these could be integrated into mathematics lessons throughout the year.

This course will also identify the core areas on which to focus in order to raise children’s achievement. It will consider all aspects of the Key Stage 2 mathematics curriculum and will identify how the progression in each of these can be developed to ensure children have a secure understanding, and therefore maximise their chances of achieving the expected standard. It will focus on strategies for both revision and intervention.

"An invaluable course that helped me prioritise the areas my children needed to focus on in the build up to SATs." Lancashire Year 6 Teacher

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