Primary Headteacher English and Mathematics Updates

Suitable for: Headteacher

Course code Keystages Presented by
MAT127 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Lynsey Norris (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant-Primary)
  • Nicola Martin (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant - Primary)

• To provide Headteachers with updates on effective teaching, learning and assessment in English and Mathematics based on Ofsted guidance and the most up to date national and international research.
• To explore ways of continuing to improve the quality of teaching and learning in English and Mathematics.

Headteachers are responsible for delivering the aims of the national curriculum for English and Mathematics, as well as the content. This course will consider what effective teaching, learning and assessment in English and Mathematics looks like in lessons, as well as in books and how Headteachers can support their subject leaders to maximise progress and attainment in both subjects

**Please note, this course is free to SISG Schools. However for non SISG Schools, a charge of £85 (£94 from Sept 2024) will be applied to your booking**

Non SISG schools. Book Autumn 24 and Spring 25 Terms, get your Summer 25 Term Network Meeting for free.
Please book all three sessions as normal and we will discount your Summer place if you have booked the qualifying sessions.

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Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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