Compulsory Induction Session and Safeguarding Basic Awareness - Level 1

Suitable for: LTA

Course code Keystages Presented by
LTA109 Birth To Three; Foundation; KS1; KS2; KS3; KS4; Post16
  • Nigel Kirkham (Teaching and Learning Consultant-Primary)
  • Phil Threlfall (Indpendent Consultant)


This course is available to anyone who requires Level 1 safeguarding training, however if you are employed via a school and not the Lancashire Teaching Agency, a charge of £85 or £99 (dependant on the delivery method) will be applied to the delegate attending. these will be increasing to £94 or £109 from September 24.

From September, this course will be delivered online via Zoom or as a Face to face session – Please refer to the information on the the LPDS website for confirmation.
The course will include a short induction briefing followed by a Safeguarding Basic Awareness session.

Induction: This briefing will include:

• A general introduction to working in Lancashire
• An overview of the wide range of Professional Development opportunities that are available to LTA staff, eligibility and how to apply.
• Information on Lancashire resources that have been made available to LTA staff and access details.

Safeguarding – Level 1 (compulsory for all teachers who have never received this training or those who have not had appropriate safeguarding training for 3 years)

As far as schools and staff are concerned, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children has never had a higher profile. 'Safeguarding' is now a limiting judgement for Ofsted and it is a statutory requirement for all staff in schools to update their safeguarding training every three years.

It is imperative that all staff in schools are clear about their role and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils. Moreover, it is essential that they have a clear understanding of the broader safeguarding agenda, how it relates to and differs from 'child protection', who does what and when, what to look for etc.

The safeguarding training on offer is Level 1 Basic Awareness training. The learning outcomes for attendees are as follows:

• Understand 'safeguarding' and 'child protection'
• Clarify roles and responsibilities in school
• Implications for supply staff
• Identify possible signs and symptoms of abuse
• Consider possible barriers and pitfalls identified by research
• Explore guidance for safer working practice

Certificates of attendance for Induction & Safeguarding will be sent via email to all attendees along with online links to support materials & resources.

To access an online session , a login and password will be sent to each participant with additional guidance and support for logging in.

Select a date
Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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