Concept Mapping in Primary History

Suitable for: Subject Leaders

Course code Keystages Presented by
HIS107 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Steven Kenyon* (Teaching and Learning Consultant - Primary History)

This course is designed to support subject leaders as they seek to develop their school curriculum in a progressive and coherent way using key concepts:

• to develop an understanding of substantive and disciplinary concepts;
• to develop an understanding of how historical knowledge and knowledge of how historians work support each other;
• to explore how to create carefully crafted enquiry questions which can be used to frame content, and to help pupils shape their knowledge into historical analysis;
• to consider how to map concepts across a school curriculum in a progressive, coherent way;
• to examine progression and assessment of historical knowledge and concepts;
• to examine models of long-term and medium-term planning that help develop an achievable, tightly focussed, connected, coherent and sequenced history curriculum;
• to support staff with planning and resources; and
• to explore creative approaches to the teaching of history with examples of good practice.

This course has now been expanded to a full day to allow time for further discussion and the opportunity for delegates to work on their own history curriculum during the latter part of the course. It is recommended that delegates bring electronic devices so that they can work on their own concept mapping /long-term planning document.

"Another fantastic an insightful history course. Lots to take away and some great advice and next steps with regards to curriculum development." A Lancashire primary school teacher.

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