Fast Forward Grammar 2 An intervention programme for Y5 and Y6 children who are aiming for age-related expectations in grammar at the end of KS2

Suitable for: Teaching Assistants, Teachers, Subject Leaders, LTA

Course code Keystages Presented by
ENG106 KS2
  • Steven Kenyon* (Teaching and Learning Consultant - Primary History)

Fast Forward Grammar 2 is a 14 week intervention programme which is designed to be delivered to a group of pupils from Y5 or Y6. Feedback from Y6 teachers has indicated that individual lesson plans within the programme have also supported whole class quality teaching.
The half-day training course will include:
•introduction to the programme;
•grammatical terminology and subject knowledge;
•the structure of Fast Forward Grammar 2;
•games and activities to support learning and application of grammar;
•how Fast Forward Grammar 2 can be organised in school.

The 14 week programme consists of 3 twenty minute sessions each week. Comprehensive lesson plans for all 42 sessions are included and a brief assessment opportunity is included at the end of each week.

Ideally, the course should be attended by the class teacher and the person who will be delivering the programme.

The cost of the course does not include a copy of the Fast Forward Grammar 2 resource. Places can be booked without the need to purchase the programme.

You can purchase the programme on the website below:

"I thoroughly enjoyed the FFG2 course this morning. It's been great to look at it, find out how it runs and learn about the benefits of the course for the children. Thank you Steven." A Lancashire teacher

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Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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