SEND - SENDCO Induction - New to post

Suitable for: Subject Leaders, Teachers, SENDCO

Course code Keystages Presented by
SEN740 KS1; KS2; KS3
  • Deborah Rouse (Specialist Teacher Service)
  • Samantha Hartley (Specialist Teaching Service Manager)

**Please use the email address for the delegate attending the course when booking a place**
Explore your new role as SENDCO
Support for new SENDCOs at the beginning of their new role with guidance that will help them to get started
Practical support on how to implement the Graduated Approach, SEND Register,Provision Maps, IEPs, Local Offer
We will look at your first 12 months in post

The course wil be delivered during one day training opportunity and will cover:
The Local Offer
Implementing the Graduated Approach
Writing an IEP
SEND Policy and information report
SEN register

Select a date
Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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