SEND - Auditing and evaluating your own SEND provision

Suitable for: Headteacher, Subject Leaders, SENDCO's

Course code Keystages Presented by
SEN130 KS1; KS2; KS3
  • Deborah Rouse (Specialist Teacher Service)
  • Jan Burrow (Specialist Teacher Service )

**Please use the email address for the delegate attending the course when booking a place**

This course will cover:
• To provide SENCOs with a range of tools to audit the SEND provision in their school setting
• To allow SENCOs to develop their own action plan to ensure that the SEND Code of Practice is implemented in school
• To enable SENCOs to understand if SEND pupils are making good progress or underachieving
• To enable SENCOs to monitor and evaluate the impact of interventions and provision
• To understand how teaching assistants can be used effectively to support pupils with SEND

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