Suitable for: Teachers, Teaching Assistants, SENCO, ECT, LTA

Course code Keystages Presented by
SEN117 KS1; KS2; KS3
  • Deborah Rouse (Specialist Teacher Service)
  • Lucy Fish (Specialist Teacher)

**Please use the email address for the delegate attending the course when booking a place**

- What Precision Teaching is.
- Who Precision Teaching is for.
- How to administer Precision Teaching.
- Assessment, monitoring and adjusting.
- Bank of resources and ideas.

Precision Teaching is a method of planning a teaching programme to meet the needs of an individual. It has an inbuilt monitoring function and is basically a means of evaluating the effectiveness of what is being taught. It can be used in early years, primary and secondary settings and can be applied to areas of the curriculum that can be broken down into clear objectives, eg: specific numeracy and literacy skills. Focuses on learning by rote to enable fluency and accuracy and therefore the ability to apply learning to different context (learning in greater depth).

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