Great Teaching: Improving Behaviour for Learning

Suitable for: Headteacher, Heads of department, Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, LTA, SENDCO

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL115 KS1; KS2
  • Steph Johnson (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Jen Little (Primary Consultant)

This course is part of a series of courses using evidence-based research to develop, and embed, 'great' teaching and learning.

This course will:
• Explore the importance of positive relationships and a 'relational approach' in preventing dysregulated behaviour arising and for effective de-escalation when it does
• Consider the importance of explicitly teaching classroom routines and expectations
• Explore the positive impact of explicitly teaching learning behaviours eg. how to manage distractions, how to work collaboratively, how to be independent etc
• Give practical strategies for dealing with dysregulated behaviour positively and effectively.

Evidence-based research shows that positive relationships, effective classroom management and explicit teaching of learning behaviours can have a positive effect on pupil attendance and attainment. This course will consider some of the research findings and provide a range of practical strategies for developing a positive climate for learning which minimises opportunities for disruptive behaviour. It will consider the reasons why some children present challenging behaviour and examine a range of positive strategies for managing this, should it arise

Please note, this course runs over two half day sessions to allow for a gap task in between.

"Exceptionally useful and thought-provoking." "The course was very informative and useful for me, it will be very useful for behaviour management going forwards. Thanks so much! " Lancashire Teachers

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