PSHE Network Meeting for Secondary Subject Leads

Suitable for: Heads of Department, Subject Leaders

Course code Keystages Presented by
PSE203 KS3; KS4
  • Jennifer MacDonald (PSHE Consultant)

• To signpost schools to the latest PSHE Association guidance and other quality assured resources.
• To provide an update on DfE and Ofsted guidance when appropriate.
• To support PSHE Leads with specific aspects of their role.
• To provide delegates with the opportunity to share ideas and practice, as well as to ask questions with dedicated time for networking.
• To introduce partner agencies who provide high quality and trustworthy information and where appropriate, practical sessions for pupils.

This course will be particularly useful for PSHE leads ahead of the subject review and will support schools in being able to make any necessary changes with support and guidance from a specialist consultant.

The charge for these meetings and priority booking are included in the PSHE Service Level Agreement (SLA) for one person.
The full cost of the course will be applicable for schools without a SLA.

"All aspects of this are so incredibly useful and relevant, I'd be lost without this network. (A Secondary Assistant Head)"
"As always, relevant and up to date information. Details of new resources and initiatives from Jen and from visitors from outside agencies (A Secondary PSHE lead)"

**Please use the email address for the delegate attending the course when booking a place**

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Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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