Teaching High Quality Gymnastics

Suitable for: Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, Teaching Assistants

Course code Keystages Presented by
PED123 KS1; KS2
  • Jessica Squires (Teaching and Learning Consultant PE)

- To develop class teachers’ confidence in delivering and assessing high quality gymnastic lessons at KS1 and KS2 in primary schools.
- To develop teachers ability to plan and deliver gymnastic activities at KS1 and KS2 using the Lancashire scheme of work.
- To understand the progression of skills and sequence of learning in gymnastics for KS1 and KS2 children.
- To explore how children make progress in educational gymnastic activities on both the floor and apparatus.
- To understand health and safety in curriculum gymnastics.

This course is for teachers who feel less comfortable teaching gymnastic activities than they do other areas of the PE curriculum.
Teachers will explore:
• How to plan, deliver and assess gymnastic units of work.
• Explore Lancashire KS1 and KS2 core tasks and how they can be used to enhance learning and progress in gymnastic activities.
• How to teach a range of basic gymnastic skills.
• How to use apparatus appropriately to enhance learning in gymnastic activities.
• Health & Safety and risk management in curriculum gymnastic activities.

This course includes a set of TOPs Gymnastic cards

This course has an element of practical work so teachers should be dressed appropriately.

A member of the PE Passport team will be in attendance should you have any questions or need any technical support with the Lancashire PE Passport Platform.

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Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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