Sticky Learning in PE

Suitable for: Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECT

Course code Keystages Presented by
PED120 KS1; KS2
  • Jessica Squires (Teaching and Learning Consultant PE)

- To consider how learning occurs, is reinforced and can become part of the long-term memory.
- To create effective teaching and learning sequences in PE which impact and transform learning.
- To explore strategies that can be applied in PE which enables key skills and tactics to be understood, transferred and remembered.
- To adjust pedagogy in a way that impacts thinking and reflection far beyond the lesson.
- To observe, categorise and connect new information with what we already know.

Why do certain ideas stick with us over time? What makes one concept sticky and another concept seem to disappear? This course is suitable for PE subject leaders and class teachers. It will equip delegates with a greater understanding of 'sticky' learning in PE whilst providing a wealth of strategies that reinforce, enhance and transform learning with PE.

There is an element of practical activities in this course, please dress appropriately.

A member of the PE Passport team will be in attendance should you have any questions or need any technical support with the Lancashire PE Passport Platform.

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