Red Rose Mastery Maths Reception Pilot: A Year-Long Mathematics Programme Designed to Improve Mathematical Understanding and Reasoning in Reception Classes

Suitable for: Headteacher, Subject leaders, Teachers, TA's.

Course code Keystages Presented by
MAT200 Foundation
  • Lynsey Norris (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant-Primary)
  • Andrew Taylor (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant-Primary)

**Please note that this course is a hybrid course and will have some face-to-face sessions and some online sessions.** SEE BELOW FOR OFFER OF 2 PLACES

The Red Rose Mastery Maths Reception programme is designed to build firm foundations in mathematical understanding for children in their Reception year. The revision of the EYFS statutory framework and educational programme for maths has meant that effective teaching of mathematics has evolved significantly. The guidance supports a mastery approach which rejects the idea that a large proportion of people ‘just can’t do maths’ (NCETM 2016) and instead focuses on the idea that all pupils can achieve depth in their understanding. In line with the mastery approach, this programme will also integrate opportunities to develop the characteristics of effective learning which are so important in developing a confident and independent learner.

Red Rose Mastery Maths Reception is a comprehensive curriculum that will support development not only of number, but also of shape, space, measure, statistics and pattern. The programme will provide teachers with comprehensive planning documentation to support their teaching – both short adult led learning and enhancements to support further learning in continuous provision. All learning opportunities will be in line with effective EYFS pedagogies.

This is a standalone resource which will form a firm foundation for whichever scheme schools are using across Years 1 to 6.

For more details contact Lynsey Norris (

Training day 1 (full day): Principles of teaching for mastery exemplified through units of work for autumn 1; full scheme of work for autumn 1; comprehensive resource pack.
Training day 2 (half day): Training for senior leaders in supporting the effective implementation and monitoring of the programme.
Training day 3 (full day): Principles of teaching for mastery exemplified through units of work for spring 1; full scheme of work for spring 1; comprehensive resource pack.
Training day 4 (full day): Principles of teaching for mastery exemplified through units of work for summer 1; full scheme of work for summer 1; comprehensive resource pack.
In addition, there will be three online drop-in twilight sessions between the full days of training to allow schools to book a time slot for further support if required.
This programme aligns with Ofsted’s research for the Inspection Framework, which suggests that “Teachers’ professional development needs to be built on and into subject content and often develops both content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Ideally, it should be curriculum aligned, be of substantial duration, and actively involve the teachers in learning and reflection.” Ofsted (2019)

**The cost for the package is £1,150 per school.** This includes:
- attendance for up to two staff at each session, ( book both places and we will adjust the billing) which can be decided by the school (e.g. any combination of Reception teacher(s), Reception teaching assistant(s), subject leader, headteacher);
- full scheme of work for the year;
- a comprehensive resource pack for each of the training days.

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Please indicate which school/establishment/address the course charge should be billed to. If you are LTA staff, please indicate this in the Billing Address field, and use LA1 4XQ in the Billing Postcode field.
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