Leading Maths Effectively (A Guide for Primary Subject Leaders)

Suitable for: Subject Leaders

Course code Keystages Presented by
MAT182 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Tim Kirk (Teaching and Learning Consultant Mathematics)

• To provide mathematics subject leaders with the knowledge and skills to lead and manage mathematics effectively.
• To enable the mathematics subject leader to understand and develop the different aspects of their role.
• To equip the mathematics subject leader with a range of tools to monitor and evaluate the mathematics curriculum.

This two-day course is suitable for those colleagues who are new to subject leadership in mathematics or have only been leading mathematics for a short while. It will utilise the Examining Teaching and Learning in Mathematics document and guide new subject leaders through their roles and responsibilities, including:
- understanding what a good mathematics lesson looks like;
- auditing and monitoring mathematics provision in school;
- understanding and developing coherent sequences of learning; and
- supporting staff with planning, teaching and assessment.

"I feel much more confident now and feel I have the knowledge and tools to help me lead maths well." Feedback from a Lancashire Maths Lead.

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