Is Headship For Me?

Suitable for: Deputy Headteachers, Assistant Headteachers

Course code Keystages Presented by
MAN171 Foundation; KS1; KS2; KS3; KS4
  • Graeme Lucas (Primary School Adviser)
  • Kevin Kendall (Primary School Advisor)

This programme is aimed at Deputy and Assistant Headteachers who are uncertain of what their next step will be. Through a wide range of approaches, delegates will consider various aspects of the role of the headteacher and be supported practically in their development. The programme has been designed in a way that follows on from 'IDeAHs' and is a stepping stone towards LPPH/NPQH.

Areas covered on the programme include:
1) What are the most positive aspects of being a headteacher?
2) What does the role actually entail?
3) Evaluating the performance of your school
4) Managing change and dealing with conflict
5) Building on existing strengths
The final session will be planned in a way that is bespoke and based upon the specific requirements of the cohort. Additionally, networking opportunities will arise over the course of the year.

Each session is designed as a 'standalone', but the programme overall has 'communication' as a recurring theme and sessions will build upon learning from prior content. Delegates may also be asked to undertake 'gap tasks' as part of the preparation for future sessions.

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