NEW: Key stage 2 to 3 English transition. How can year 7 and transition build effectively on what students learn at KS2 in English and the way they learn it?

Suitable for: Teachers, Subject Leaders, Heads of Department, Seconds in English, Lead Teachers of English

Course code Keystages Presented by
LIT535 KS3; KS4
  • Katy McWean (Secondary English Consultant)

- To thoroughly examine the core knowledge components of the key stage 2 English national curriculum: grammar, spelling, vocabulary, reading, writing, oracy.
- To thoroughly understand key stage 2 assessment of reading and grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- To thoroughly examine the writing assessment standards at key stage 2.
- To understand the subject specific pedagogy that best supports the delivery of the key stage 2 national curriculum.
- To carefully examine how the year 7 curriculum might be informed by key stage 2 English to provide a smooth curricular transition.
- To consider in what way secondary English teachers might echo aspects of pedagogy that are most successful in year 6.
- To consider what summer projects might best support curricular transition in English.

As students experience a curriculum 'jump' between key stage 2 and key stage 3, it is vitally important that we create an appropriate curriculum bridge for incoming year 7 students in our secondary English departments. This is to ensure that an academic dip is avoided.

This course will firstly examine the foundations that we build on as secondary English teachers: the key stage National Curriculum and the excellent pedagogy that supports effective reading and writing in our primaries. Crucially, though this course will also examine how year 7 English curricula can be subtly reshaped to provide robust curriculum continuity for our students from year 6 to 7 - in what students are taught at a granular level and how they are taught. This is to ensure excellence in English for our Year 7 students, to ensure they experience the most challenging, ambitious and enriching English curriculum possible.

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