How to Write Like a Historian

Suitable for: Subject Leaders, Teachers, LTA

Course code Keystages Presented by
HIS108 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Steven Kenyon* (Teaching and Learning Consultant - Primary History)

- To understand how to write in subject-specific forms such as historical arguments or causal narratives.
- To support teachers in modelling writing in history-specific forms.
- To understand the role that oracy and reading play in underpinning critical thinking in history.
- To develop oracy and reading skills in history and consider how these skills can support learning in this subject.
- To provide opportunities for debate, drama, questioning, prediction, speculation, hypothesising and problem-solving in history.
- To explore how children can explain, develop and refine ideas.
- To understand and demonstrate progression in historical writing.
- To support staff with planning and resources.

"I found looking at text types that can be used for historical writing particularly useful. The reminder of how to run high quality artefact and enquiry sessions was very helpful. I enjoyed being able to have a go at some activities and engage in professional discussion opportunities with other colleagues." A Lancashire Primary School History Subject Leader.

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