EYFS Leading and Managing - A course for Teachers new to the role of EYFS Leader in a Primary School

Suitable for: Heads of Department, Teachers

Course code Keystages Presented by
EAY145 Foundation
  • Catharine Cummins (Teaching and Learning Consultant - Early Years)

- To provide an opportunity for new early years leaders to reflect on the EYFS statutory framework, and other key documentation relevant to ensuring high quality provision in the early years.
- To identify the roles of an early years leader in meeting the requirements of the EYFS, including auditing provision, monitoring and evaluating provision, working with parents, moderation, transition, assessment systems and more.
- To provide strategies and tools to enable the co-ordinator/leader to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the EYFS curriculum in their setting, including how to use data to identify areas of development or gaps in learning for specific groups of children, auditing provision, timetable and more.

"Completing the audit as we went along was so useful. Lots to take away, documentation to download and advice on setting up areas of provision."

"Very thorough course. Great insight into the role of a leader in the phase. Not started my EYFS leader role yet but I feel welcome already! Thank you." Prior attendee of this course.

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