Behaviour Bitesize
Here we share links to quick clips or short videos which summarise a research paper or document. We hope these succinct “bitesize” inputs will be useful for updates and professional development.
If you would be happy to share a “bitesize” clip with us, please just get in touch.
Beads on a String
A short reflection on the importance of trauma-informed approaches when responding to a situation that has escalated quickly:
Finger Breathing Clip for Primary Children
A short clip to show children how to use a mindfulness breathing technique to help them restore calm:
Calling Out & Interrupting
A short clip suggesting ways to support those children who struggle to listen without calling out and interrupting the adults:
The importance of Teaching Routines
The DFE research from June 2023 reported that "71% of schools saw a great extent of improvement when they specifically taught generic routines to help manage pupil behaviour."
This short clip expands on how specifically teaching everyday routines can have a positive impact on behaviour in the classroom and around school.
Exploring what we mean by effective Behaviour Support in a secondary setting
Responding to parental concerns
Created as part of the Lancashire new secondary Headteacher induction programme this session looks at how to effectively respond to parental concerns and informal complaints. This may be helpful when addressing these issues in the areas of pastoral care and inclusion:
Key Strategies for Improving Behaviour in Schools
EYFS Behaviour Support
The importance of relationships
Removing extrinsic rewards
Connection & Identifying Emotion on Entry to Classroom
Developing Sensory Passports -
Vicky Farish, Lead Practitioner, Pear Tree School
Talk to Support
Coming soon!
Lunchtime Behaviour Bitesize CPD
There are 5 bitesize videos, each between 10-13 minutes long to provide CPD for lunchtime supervisors.
Session 1: A Brief introduction to ACE's (11 minutes)
Session 2: The Power of Positive Language and Relationships (12 minutes)
Session 3: We Can't Control Others' Behaviour But We Can Control How We Respond (13 minutes)
Session 4: Supporting Undesirable Behaviour (10 minutes)
Session 5: Using a Restorative Approach (11 minutes)
Session 6: Talk in the Pastoral Sphere (28 minutes)