Care of performance sets

Recommended best practice

Whilst it's recognised that it might be essential to mark parts, please remember that they will be used by others after you. Your cooperation in following these guidelines will enable us to provide the best possible service for all. 

Care of performance sets

  • If notes/markings are necessary, use soft pencil only to mark parts, ideally B or 2B, and erase these before returning. Never use ink or highlighter pen.
  • Do not renumber copies.
  • Never use sticky tape or staples, do not punch holes, mark or deface items.
  • If you use paper clips, please remove them before returning the part.
  • Do not fold down corners of the pages.
  • If large sections of a work are to be omitted from your performance, simply write “Out” or something similar in soft pencil at the top of the page. (“Post-it” notes or similar are recommended.)


It should not be assumed that it will be possible to renew an item, please make enquiries directly to the Music an Drama Service,, allowing time in advance of the due date.

Returning sets

  • Remove loose papers, schedules etc. before returning the set.
  • Remove any illegal photocopies not stamped with an official authorisation stamp. (Authorisation stamps are usually in red ink.)
  • Remove any pencil markings made by your society before returning the part. (Libraries may charge for damaged items, including indelible markings and these charges will be passed on to you.)
  • Please check contents carefully against the inventory before the set is returned, and indicate if any copies or parts are missing or damaged.
  • Make sure parts are in order, and the correct number are returned.
  • Return contents in the original binding, wallet or casing.
  • Please make a note of any damage, but do not attempt to rectify it.
  • Some libraries may charge for the late return of items and these charges will be passed on to you.

Missing or damaged items

  • Unauthorised copying or duplicating of copies contravenes copyright law. We regret that we cannot accept photocopies in lieu of lost copies unless they have
    been supplied by the publisher. (Such copies will be stamped with an official authorisation stamp – usually in red ink.)
  • Replacement is essential if the item is in print. The replacement copy must be the same edition, imprint etc. as the original.
  • If the item is out of print a replacement cost will be levied. Libraries reserve the right to charge fees for compensation, replacement, administration and re-binding
  • Borrowers will be expected to replace lost or severely damaged copies by new copies of the same edition as soon as possible.