Library computer internet filter

If you have been automatically directed to this page when browsing the internet on a library computer, please see below to find out why.

Children and young people between the ages of 8 – 15 can use the library computers but will be limited to the websites listed below. These are websites that have been deemed to be safe and suitable for children and young people. 

Children under eight can use the computers but they must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult who logs in using their own library card number and PIN.

To access the wider internet, the parent/carer of the child/young person must give their consent. This can either be done in person by emailing or visiting your local library or by emailing with the library card number. You can find your local library, including address and contact details, through our Find a library page. 

List of accessible websites:

Important - Disclaimer

The links shown are to external websites over which Lancashire libraries have no control.

They are a guide to possible sources of information. Lancashire libraries do not endorse the contents of these sites, the advertising on them, or any further links included in them.

The descriptions of the contents of these sites were accurate at the time of our last review.

The ownership of these sites and their content may change over time, or a site may move or cease to exist.

If you have concerns over the content of any of the sites listed, you can report these to us at