Libraries, archives, museums and culture
Cultural Services Strategy 2024-2028
The strategy for delivering cultural services including libraries, museums, conservation and collections, heritage learning, archives, Lancashire Music Service, outdoor education and development teams.
Cultural Services annual reports
Annual reports for cultural services and archives.
Lancashire archives policies
Policies relating to Lancashire Archives.
Lancashire libraries policies
Policies relating to Lancashire libraries.
Lancashire museums policies
Policies relating to Lancashire Museums.
Lancashire Archives and Local History Strategy 2022 - 2025
A service to collect and preserve Lancashire’s diverse heritage and to make it accessible to everyone through high quality cultural experiences.
Lancashire Libraries Strategy 2022 – 2025
Expanding the strategy to incorporate the County Council’s recently adopted corporate priorities.
Lancashire Museums Strategy 2022 – 2025
Expanding the strategy to incorporate the County Council’s recently adopted corporate priorities.
Friends of Lancashire Libraries Constitution and terms of reference
Expanding the strategy to incorporate the County Council’s recently adopted corporate priorities.