Historic designed landscapes

Lancashire has a rich and diverse resource of historic designed landscapes that collectively, are of national importance.

Historic designed landscapes are not simply parks and gardens but a diverse range of landscapes including cemeteries, hospitals, education establishments, new towns, model communities, deer parks, recreation grounds, industrial landscapes, and town squares. In fact, any designed landscape created before the late 20th century which has historic significance falls within the remit of the Historic Designed Landscapes in Lancashire project.

Historic designed landscapes are important not just for their inherent intrinsic value but also for other reasons:

  • they are often the key component of a historically significant buildings setting and character.
  • they can have a profound impact on the shaping and development of the landscape that we see today.
  • they contribute to the landscape's character and sense of place.
  • they can be symbols for the local community that add value and a sense of pride.
  • they can play significant part in regeneration and infrastructure projects.  

Historic Designed Landscapes in Lancashire project

Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Gardens Trust and Manchester Metropolitan University are working together to identify, investigate and protect the County's historic designed landscapes.

The project aims to:

Encourage the enhancement, restoration, protection, conservation and appropriate management of Lancashire's historic designed landscapes through a range of projects delivered through community and partnership working.

Increase awareness of this nationally important environmental asset and its role in spatial planning, tourism, education, regeneration and infrastructure projects and improving the quality of life.

Provision of specialist advice on the enhancement and protection of Lancashire's historic designed landscapes.

What is LERN's role?

LERN holds and maintains the site records on behalf of the project. We provide information to site owners and managers, local authorities, consultants, conservation bodies and members of the public.