Scale of charges

Scale of charges for the commercial use of information provided by LERN valid from 20 May 2024

Access to environmental information held by the LERN is subject to the provision of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) implementing EC Directive 90/313/EEC. Restrictions on the supply of certain information may therefore apply.

Some of the information provided by LERN is covered by the Reuse of Public Sector Information Regulations  2015 (RoPSI).  RoPSI do not apply to information provided by LERN where the intellectual property rights belong to another party.

The following scale of charges relates to the commercial use of information supplied by LERN. Prices are subject to VAT unless otherwise stated. LERN retains the right to waive these charges in any circumstance it considers appropriate.

By applying these charges LERN is granting a limited use licence for Copyright materials to be used in connection with a specific named project.

Data are supplied on the understanding that:

  • LERN will be acknowledged as the data provider where supplied data are used or referenced in reports.
  • Most of the species records held by LERN have been made and supplied to LERN by individual naturalists recording in Lancashire. Those providing data retain the intellectual property rights over the original individual records.
  • Presence in a species search does not imply that a species is still present or breeding at that location.
  • Absence from a species search does not imply that a species is not present or breeding at that location.
  • LERN takes reasonable measures to ensure that the data it supplies are verified and validated, however, by their nature, biological records can be subjective, based on the skill and experience of the original recorders. No warranty is expressed or implied in respect of the accuracy of the underlying data.

Details of the datasets supplied and file format

Glossary of terminology