LERN is managed by a core partnership comprising:

Lancashire Wildlife Trust - the only conservation charity working to protect wildlife in town, countryside and in the rivers and seas throughout the Lancashire, Greater Manchester and North Merseyside region. www.lancswt.org.uk

Lancashire County Council - A place where people can: Feel safe, lead healthy lives, get help if they need it, learn and develop, work and prosper, travel easily and safely and enjoy a high quality environment. www.lancashire .gov.uk

Natural England - The government's advisor on the natural environment, providing practical advice, grounded in science, on how best to safeguard England's natural wealth for the benefit of everyone. www.naturalengland.org.uk

The Environment Agency - Its principal aims are to protect and improve the environment, and to promote sustainable development. It plays a central role in delivering the environmental priorities of central government and the Welsh Assembly Government through its functions and roles. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency

GeoLancashire - (formerly known as the 'Lancashire RIGs Group') has three strands to its work:

  • Identifying, surveying and recording Local Geodiversity Sites (LGSs);
  • Selection, designation, protection and conservation of these sites;
  • Promoting public awareness, understanding and appreciation of Lancashire’s geology and landscapes.
