Road traffic flows


This short article details figures from the Department for Transport that show road traffic flows by millions of vehicle kilometres. The results are based on a census of all major roads, and estimates for minor roads. They form part of a selection of road traffic statistics published on the Department for Transport website.

Please also see the traffic flow web pages that have statistics for the Lancashire-12 area, Blackburn with DarwenBlackpool and the North West Region. The figures are in vehicle miles for various classes of motor vehicles and pedal cycles, and therefore represent a different form of measure to the flows results in table 1. The web links also include access to the detailed yearly data for hundreds of traffic count points in the Lancashire-14 area. We have now provided a Microsoft Power BI report that visualises the average daily traffic flow for the Lancashire-12 area, this is at the end of the article.

The national, regional and local context     

Table 1 has estimated traffic flows for England, the North West, and the Lancashire area from 1993 to 2023. After a period of constant growth, when vehicle kilometres in England increased by 21.8% between 1993 and 2007, an economic slowdown impacted on the results. From a previous high of 432,935 million kilometres in 2007, there was a pattern of marginal decline in England in 2008 and 2010, and then little change to 2013. The outturns from 2014 to 2019 however showed steady increases to reach a new record of 465,862 million kilometres in 2019. The Covid-19 pandemic, with its strict travel restrictions, saw a fall to figures last seen in the late 1990s for all areas. The figures for 2010 to 2018 were revised up substantially for all areas in 2021, then down again for years 2000 to 2020 in 2022. The scale of that revision was such that the figure for the Lancashire-14 area was reduced by more than 1 billion vehicle kilometres for the year 2020 and the previous two years. There have not been any local or major revisions since.

The Lancashire-14 area in 2019 saw its traffic flow figure rise sharply to 13,088 million kilometres, the highest ever recorded, but it fell back to 10,319 million kilometres (-21.2%) in 2020 as a result of Covid-19 lockdowns. The recovery to 11,710 in 2021 was a 13.5% increase and continued into 2022. The Lancashire-14 total of 12,759 million km in 2023 exceeded the 2018 figure by 10.

Table 1. Estimated traffic flows for all motor vehicles, 1993 to 2023 (millions of vehicle kilometres)

Year Lancashire-12 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 North West England
1993 9,181 615 540 10,336 46,518 355,306
1994 9,357 624 544 10,525 47,375 363,157
1995 9,551 637 552 10,740 48,387 370,167
1996 9,781 650 558 10,989 49,601 379,944
1997 9,954 664 560 11,178 50,678 387,799
1998 10,181 670 565 11,416 51,661 395,057
1999 10,434 670 574 11,678 52,475 402,518
2000 10,252 675 567 11,494 52,345 401,931
2001 10,351 668 571 11,590 53,054 407,456
2002 10,626 681 576 11,883 54,001 416,089
2003 10,576 681 566 11,823 54,213 418,217
2004 10,839 696 568  12,103 55,095 423,407
2005 10,802 704 564  12,070 54,704 423,727
2006 10,952 693 542  12,187 55,194 429,113
2007 10,871 716 549  12,136 55,411 432,935
2008 10,896 699 550 12,145 54,948 428,831
2009 10,813 682 543 12,038 54,597 424,273
2010 10,731 682 533 11,946 53,718 418,508
2011 10,816 687 537 12,040 54,176 420,254
2012 10,649 684 533 11,866 53,887 420,225
2013 10,800 695 525 12,020 54,130 421,645
2014 11,070 718 539 12,327 55,544 433,625
2015 11,354 725 545 12,624 56,390 441,832
2016 11,344 723 542 12,609 56,735 451,316
2017 11,373 694 536 12,603 56,965 457,356
2018 11,488 727 534 12,749 57,673 459,525
2019 11,816 735 537 13,088 58,872 465,862
2020 9,300 570 449 10,319 46,869 367,175
2021 10,584 639 487 11,710 52,298 409,367
2022 11,354 673 510 12,537 56,254 444,735
2023 11,534 697 528 12,759 57,802 454,576

Source Department for Transport: Road Traffic Statistics for Local Authorities Table TRA8904. 

Impact on traffic flows of the Covid-19 pandemic

Table 2 shows the huge negative change in traffic flow (millions of kilometres) between 2019 and 2020, which can only be due to the imposition of major restrictions on travel as part of the measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus causing the Covid-19 pandemic.

Table 2. Kilometre and percentage change in traffic flows, 2019 to 2020

Change: 2019-2020 Lancashire-12 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 North West England
Km (millions) -2,516 -165 -88 -2,769 -12,003 -98,687
% -21.3% -22.4% -16.4% -21.2% -20.4% -21.2%

Source Department for Transport: Road Traffic Statistics for Local Authorities Table TRA8904. 

The Microsoft Power BI report below shows average annual daily flow for traffic count points in the Lancashire-12 area. This is the count of vehicles rather than vehicle kilometres. The definition is 'Number of vehicles that travel past the count point (in both directions) on an average day of the year'. The data is drawn from an API and we have included some 'smart narrative' in experimental form. We have provided additional functionality by breaking down the statistics by district. The figures shown are for the latest year, which is now 2023.

Source: Department for Transport

Page updated March 2025