Adult social care overview
The adult social care analytical hub contains the latest reports on safeguarding adults, adult social care outcomes framework and adult social care survey. You can explore the hub below the key findings. The key findings below all refer to the Lancashire-12 area, with adult social care delivered by Lancashire County Council. Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool adult social care information can be found in the analytic hub.
Lancashire-12 area's key findings (2021/22)
- There were 1,350 aged 18-64 and 9,810 aged 65+ new requests for support per 100,000 adults in 2021-22. New requests for adults aged 65+ were 5% higher than the previous 12 months.
Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF)
- Lancashire's overall social care-related quality of life score was 19.3 which was similar to the England level of 18.9. Scores are out of a maximum of 24. There was no significant difference when looking at those aged 65 and over or between males and females. Lancashire's score has remained broadly similar for the last 5 years.
- 45% of service users in Lancashire had as much social contact as they would like which is higher than England, 40.6%.
- 80% of people who use Lancashire services believe they have control over their daily life which is higher than England, 76.9%.
- 69.1% of people who use services in Lancashire find it easy to find information about services, which is higher than England, 64.6%.
- 69.5% of people who use Lancashire's services felt safe. This is statistically similar to the England proportion, 69.2%. 85.1% of Lancashire's service users say that those services have made them feel safe and secure.
- 87.3% of older people (aged 65 and over) were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital into reablement/rehabilitation. This is higher than the England average, 81.8%. 2.6% of older people were offered reablement/rehabilitation services after discharge from hospital in Lancashire, which was similar to the England score of 2.8%.
- 92.8% of Lancashire's adult service users with a learning disability live in their own home or with their family. This is higher than in previous years and is significantly higher than the England figure 78.8%.
- 68.8% of people who use Lancashire's services were satisfied with their care and support, which is higher than in the previous 5 years and higher than the England score of 63.9%.
Safeguarding Adults (2021-22)
- 9,210 (945 per 100,000 adults) safeguarding concerns were reported in Lancashire.
- 43.4% (4,000 total, 411 per 100,000 adults) were converted into enquiries under Section 42 of the Care Act 2014.
- Domestic abuse has increased from 185 cases (3% of all concluded enquiries) in 2017/18 to 935 (12% of all concluded enquiries) in 2021/22.
- The risk of neglect and acts of omission accounted for 27% of concluded enquiries in 2021/22, psychological abuse was 21%, and financial or material abuse was 14%.
Page updated December 2022