Common and severe mental illness

Mental health is a high public health priority area.

Common mental health disorders are conditions that cause marked emotional distress and interfere with daily function, but do not usually affect a person's cognition, insight and perception of reality. They comprise different types of depression and anxiety, and include obsessive compulsive disorders. Severe mental illness includes schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been a difficult and stressful time for many people. While the majority of people remained mentally well, studies have reported increases in levels of anxiety, depression, loneliness, sleep issues and stress.  Evidence has shown it exacerbated existing mental health issues. 

Later presentations to GPs, cancellation of appointments and longer waits to see specialists or access specialist services will have had an impact. Some people may also be reluctant to address concerns or attend GP practices due to fear of catching Covid-19. These missed diagnoses mean that treatment may be delayed or doesn't happen, which may lead to worsening mental health. The legacy of the pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis will mean that monitoring mental health is of vital importance.

Key findings

Figures from the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) 2022/23 (unless stated otherwise) show that:

  • In the Lancashire-12 area, there are 168,721 adults (aged 18 years and over) with a confirmed diagnosis of depression, accounting for 16.4 % of the total GP registered population aged 18+ years. This is higher than the England prevalence of 13.2%.
  • In Blackburn with Darwen (23,841|17.2%) and Blackpool (30,976|21.6%) the prevalence of QOF recorded adult depression is also above the England average.
  • In the Lancashire-12 area, there are 13,985 persons (all ages) with a diagnosis of severe mental illness (includes schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or other psychoses), accounting for 1.09% of the total GP registered population. This is higher than the England prevalence of 1.00%.
  • In Blackburn with Darwen (2,485|1.34%) and Blackpool (3,001|1.69%) the prevalence of recorded severe mental illness is above the England average.

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 Page updated May 2024