Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) dashboard

This dashboard draws on a wide range of datasets and includes information relating to the likely education, health and social care needs of children and young people with SEN and disabilities.

These datasets include, but are not limited to:

• population and demographic data
• prevalence data for different kinds of SEN and disability among children and young people at local, national and statistical neighbour level
• numbers of local children and young people with EHC plans and their main needs
• the outcomes of developmental assessments (including the two-year-old check)
• where children or young people with SEN or disabilities are educated

Details of and links to datasets, where available, are included on the 'metadata' page of the dashboard.

For help on using these dashboards, please look at our tips and hints (PDF, 454KB).

For help on understanding neighbourhood geographies, please look at our geographies page. 

The dashboard can be put into full screen mode by clicking on the double headed arrow in the bottom right hand corner. 


This dashboard is currently being refreshed


Feedback on this dashboard would be welcomed to BusinessIntelligence.JSNA@lancashire.gov.uk.

Please feel free to use any of the information in our dashboards, acknowledging Lancashire county council when you do.