The following sector profile articles use counts of jobs derived from the business register employment survey, and are split by the main standard industrial classification codes. 

Local estimates of gross value added (GVA) (income approach) are published by the office for national statistics that also fit these sectors. We have therefore included estimates of the economic value generated by each sector or amalgam of sectors. 

The agriculture, forestry and food article is one of the sectors, but unfortunately results from the annual business survey are only available at the North West level for this particular sector. Instead, the article uses alternative local employment figures from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.      

All UK limited companies are registered at Companies House, and the organisation's website includes basic company data. The profiles mention a large number of Lancashire companies that are allocated to the specific sectors, and this has been achieved by using the standard industrial classification code given to each business on the companies house website. 

This section also includes four employment articles that use results from the annual population survey, and a job densities article.   

Evolution of the Lancashire economy

Three major stages of economic development

Employment overview

Overview of employee numbers from the Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES)

Employee change

1929 onwards

Sector 'A'

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Sector 'B'

Mining and quarrying

Sector 'C'

Manufacturing, plus focus on aerospace

Sectors 'D' and 'E'

Power and water supply

Sector 'F'


Sector 'G'

Wholesale, retail and motor vehicles

Sectors 'H' and 'J'

Transport, storage, information and communication

Sector 'I'

Accommodation and food services, plus the wider visitor economy

Sector 'K'

Financial and insurance activities

Sectors 'L-N'

Real estate, professional, scientific and admin

Sector 'O'

Public admin, defence and compulsory social security

Sector 'P'


Sector 'Q'

Human health and social work activities

Sectors 'R-T'

Arts, entertainment, recreation and other services

Jobs density

Ratio of the jobs in a district compared to working residents

Employment and disability

Annual population survey

Employment and ethnicity

Annual population survey

Working, mixed and workless households

Annual population survey

16+ employment estimates

annual population survey - resident-based annual estimates, produced quarterly

16+ self-employment estimates

annual population survey - resident-based annual estimates - produced quarterly