Businesses and economic wealth
Gross domestic product
Estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for the Lancashire-14 ITL2 sub-region, the six Lancashire ITL3 areas and the 14 Lancashire local authority areas
Gross domestic product across the European Union
International comparisons across the European Union
Gross value added
Estimates of gross value added (GVA) for the Lancashire-14 ITL2 sub-region, the six Lancashire ITL3 areas, the 14 Lancashire local authority areas and Lancashire travel to work areas (TTWAs).
Gross value added by industry sector
Results by industrial sector
Gross value added labour productivity
Estimates of gross value added (GVA) labour productivity for the Lancashire-14 ITL2 sub-region, the six Lancashire ITL3 areas and the 14 Lancashire local authority areas
Business structure: by employment size and turnover
Number of VAT/PAYE registered enterprises in March each year, plus analysis by employee numbers and turnover
Business demography
Number of VAT/PAYE registered businesses, plus business births, business deaths and survival rates within an entire year
Queen's Awards for Enterprise
Annual business awards for outstanding achievements
100 year old independent firms
Very long-term Lancashire independent businesses
Visits to attractions
Local results from a national survey plus visits to county council museums
Retail centres
Retail concentrations in Lancashire