Deprivation overview

Brief synopsis of some of the issues raised by the articles in the deprivation section

Census 2021, deprivation dimensions

Education, employment, health and disability and housing deprivation characteristics

Indices of deprivation 2019

Key findings, analytical articles and dashboards for the English Indices of Deprivation 2019

Children in low income families

Children in families with relatively low-income.

Fuel poverty

Low income high cost definition of fuel poverty

Personal insolvencies and other debt issues

Insolvency service results

Social mobility

Social mobility index and dashboard

Deprivation dashboard 2015

Deprivation data visualisation.

Indices of deprivation 2015

Local authority analysis, plus summaries for wards, LSOAs and CCGs.

2011 census, deprivation dimensions

Employment, education, health and disability, and housing deprivation characteristics