Lancashire Insight

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Key statistics

  • Population: 1,270,162 (Mid-year estimate 2023)
  • Life expectancy males: 78.3 years; females: 82.0 years

Lancashire Insight

What's new - latest updates and tweets

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Key statistics

  • Population: 1,236,035 (Mid-year estimate 2021)
  • Life expectancy males: 78.3 years; females: 82.0 years

Statistics and intelligence about Lancashire including the Lancashire JSNA

Census 2021

Headline figures from Census 2021

Area profiles

Local authority, integrated care system and external sources of local profiles

Key statistics

Important figures from a range of themes

Community safety

Information from community safety agencies, including the MADE partners secure area


Results from the indices of multiple deprivation, fuel poverty and personal insolvencies


Economic value, business numbers and types, employment, income, benefits and earnings


Achievement by key stages, working age qualification level estimates, plus young persons not in education, employment or training (NEET), and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


Air quality, carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, bathing water results, green-belt land, heritage and household waste

Health and social care

Health, wellbeing, lifestyles, social care, and the working-age population

Population and households

Population mid year estimates by age and gender, population projections, household numbers, dwelling types, house prices, council-tax bands and household projections, Census 2021 and 2011 demographics

Research and consultation

Research and consultations and the Living in Lancashire panel


Public and private transport, plus walking and cycling

Covid-19 intelligence

The latest statistics about Covid-19 in Lancashire