The benefits of immunisation
All medicines have side effects, but vaccines are amongst the safest. The benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the risk of side effects. Routine immunisation programmes take place from when a baby is 8 weeks old and continue through the life course up to the age of 70 (older for the annual flu vaccine).
The NHS Choices website provides further details such as the benefits and risks of immunisation and a detailed vaccination schedule.
The risks of infectious diseases during the winter period
Cold weather has a significant impact on people’s health. One of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm. Visit the NHS Choices website for more information about common infectious diseases during the winter period. Further information can be located via the following links:
- Colds and flu includes advice on how to protect yourself, how to spot symptoms, how to cope with colds & flu and how to prevent it spreading;
- Norovirus includes information on how to spot the symptoms, what to do if you think you may have the virus and how to prevent it spreading;
- Cold sore includes information on the causes, how to treat them and how to prevent the infection.
Would you like help?
Contact your doctor or practice nurse if you think yourself or people you look after may need a vaccination, or if you're not sure whether you have had all of the routine vaccinations.
Visit the winter section of our website if you would like some advice on preparing for winter and keeping well during cold weather.
The facts
Vaccination coverage is the best indicator of the level of protection a population will have against vaccine preventable communicable diseases, yet both nationally and locally, vaccination rates are declining.