Cancer prevention

Cancer is caused by a variety of factors for example your age, genes and lifestyle. You can’t control your risk of cancer but living a healthy life can reduce the chances of you developing this disease.

Spotting the signs of cancer early could save your life, the earlier you have treatment the higher the chances of success.

The NHS Be Clear On Cancer website has information to help you spot the signs of cancer.  If you are worried about a symptom, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible.

National and Lancashire rates show the number of deaths from cancer is reducing and that overall, more people are surviving cancer.

Would you like help?

Contact your doctor or practice nurse if you are concerned about any symptoms you may have.

The facts

There are no proven ways to prevent cancer, but you can reduce your risk of getting it.  According to Cancer Research UK, 4 in 10 cancer cases can be prevented, largely through lifestyle changes.