Help with health costs

Certain NHS services are free once you turn 60, such as prescriptions and NHS-funded sight tests.

You may qualify for help with other health costs if you are getting certain benefits or you are on a low income and have limited savings.

If you qualify for full or partial help with health costs you will receive a certificate which details the amount of help you will receive and the certificate will last for between 6 months and 5 years, depending on your circumstances.

Help with NHS costs if you are getting benefits

If you (and your partner if you have one) are receiving Guarantee Pension Credit you automatically qualify for:

  • free NHS dental checks and treatment
  • a voucher towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses
  • travel costs to receive NHS treatment while under the care of a consultant and in some cases, arising from a referral by a GP or dentist
  • NHS wigs and fabric supports prescribed by a hospital consultant.

Help with NHS cost if you are on a low income

If you (and your partner if you have one) are on a low income and you have capital of less than £16,000 (less than £23,250 if you are in permanent residential care) you may qualify for full or partial help with health costs, depending on your circumstances.

Full help with health costs

If you qualify for full help with health costs you will receive an HC2 certificate and anyone named on the certificate will be entitled to full help with the cost of:

  • NHS prescriptions
  • NHS dental treatment
  • a voucher, based on their prescribed lenses, towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses
  • NHS wigs and fabric supports prescribed by a hospital consultant
  • travel costs for NHS treatment while under the care of a consultant and in some cases, arising from a referral by a doctor, dentist or optician

Partial help with health costs

If your income or capital is too high to qualify for full help, you may still qualify for partial help with health costs. If so, you will receive an HC3 certificate and anyone named on the certificate will be entitled to limited help towards health costs. The certificate will state how much the maximum amount is that you must pay towards any costs.

How to claim

Unless you qualify for Guarantee Pension Credit, you need to apply for help with NHS costs, regardless of whether you are receiving any other benefits or not. You can either apply online, or complete the claim form HC1, which can be ordered or downloaded from the NHS website or your local Jobcentre Plus, doctor, hospital or dentist may be able to give you a form. 

You can find more information on help with NHS costs, including qualifying conditions and how to claim, on the NHS website.

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