Safeguarding guidance
Use the following guidance to make an Adult Safeguarding decision.
Safeguarding toolkit for providers and professionals
The guidance is for providers and practitioners safeguarding adults with care and support needs. It is intended to assist in the management of risk and making appropriate decisions around the level of support and response required to suspected or recognised abuse.
- Criteria for reporting adult abuse - guidance
- Responsibilities for partner agencies - additional information
- LCC adult safeguarding protocol
- Provider framework for undertaking a Safeguarding Adults enquiry
- Safeguarding for Professionals - guidance and procedures (Lancashire Safeguarding Adults Board)
Abuse specific guidance
- Fall - guidance
- Medication errors - guidance
- Service user to service user incident - guidance
- Financial abuse - guidance
- Pressure ulceration - guidance
- Unsatisfactory/adverse hospital discharge - guidance
- Domestic abuse - guidance
- Modern slavery - guidance
- Female genital mutilation - guidance
- Self neglect - guidance
- Self neglect Framework for Multi Agency Partners
- Hoarding - guidance