Foster siblings
Could you provide a foster home to keep brothers and sisters together?
More foster carers who are able to foster brothers and sisters are urgently needed in Lancashire, allowing them to stay together. Being able to keep their ties with each other will help them to thrive in the future.
Fostering siblings means you can help keep brothers and sisters together like sisters Ellie, Holly and Cleo and Asad and Inaya.
Ellie, Holly and Cleo
We are looking for a loving foster family for Ellie aged 10, Holly aged 9 and Cleo aged 7.
Could this be you?
The sisters are currently staying in a short term foster home until we can find them a wonderful home that can care for all three sisters together. Read more about their story.
Asad and Inaya
We are currently looking for a very special family for Asad, aged 13 and Inaya, aged 11.
The children are currently in foster care, but we are looking to find a loving home where Asad and Inaya can live together long term. Read more about Asad and Inaya.
Our foster carers who look after brothers and sisters all said how rewarding it is and told us more about their experiences below.
Debbie and Brian are one of the couples in Lancashire who have fostered a brother and sister:
“Before we even went to panel, we had been matched with a brother and sister aged 7 and 8. We were excited to welcome them into our home and family as we already have our biological children who were 18 and 19. It was a really good match and they fitted straight in like they had always been part of the family.
“It has been good to keep them together as they are their own little support system and know what each other are going through. They have been with us just over a year now and even though caring for siblings does come with its own set of challenges, knowing that you are keeping them together helps you overcome these. The feeling that you know you are giving these children a safe and forever home is like no other.”
Jonathan has fostered three sets of brothers and sisters:
“As foster carers for Lancashire County council for the last 11 years, my wife and I recognise that it’s important to help keep sibling groups that come into care together. A young person's life is uncertain when they are removed from their parents or relatives, maybe even having to move schools, having to adapt to new ways of doing things with someone you now live with, and you don’t know what to expect.
“Having a brother or sister there with them, allows the transition to be shared between them as the constant thing that’s always been. Young people usually cope better when they are together. It eliminates the worry and tensions of wondering where their siblings are, how are they being treated, will I see them again.
“We have managed over the past 10 years to keep 3 sets of siblings together, by offering a place that enables them to be together, share together, laugh together and most important, just be together!”
Get in touch today
Our foster carers come from all walks of life. We are looking for everyday people to do something incredible by providing a safe, stable, and caring home for a child. You need to be over 21, have a spare room and be and living in or close to Lancashire.
If you are considering fostering, please get in touch with us via or enquiry form or call us on 0300 019 0200 to start your fostering journey.
If your circumstances have recently changed, you may now be well placed to provide a loving home for these children. If you have fostered with us before , please get in touch to offer the benefit of your experience.
In recognition of the valuable work of foster carers and increasing costs, we have raised our allowances. This includes a:
- weekly allowance to help with the cost of caring for a child
- one off £1,145.50 welcome payment, for non-connected foster carers, after successfully fostering a child with us for two months
- one off £1,145.50 incentive when a sibling group of three or more children are matched and placed at the same time, and fostered for two months
Find out more about the benefits and support you'll receive as part of our fostering community.
You can also learn about other types of fostering.
Get in touch
Make a difference to a child's life and foster for Lancashire.
If you'd prefer to speak to someone give us a call on:
0300 019 0200