Foster children with additional needs
Could you provide a foster home for children with additional or complex needs?
In Lancashire we need foster carers for children of all ages. This includes carers for children with additional and complex needs. Initially this might seem daunting but our carers tell us that they often find this area of fostering to be the most rewarding. By supporting a child to overcome some of their daily challenges you can help them live their life to the fullest. You can identify their strengths and passions and offer them opportunities that they might not have had otherwise.
There can be many misconceptions about caring for a child with a diagnosis. In reality, these unique and wonderful children can be gifted in so many ways. Our children have been described as funny, loving and loyal. Whilst there will be challenges and extra things to think about, we will be there to support you every step of the way. You do not need to have previous experience to become this type of carer. You may already have transferrable skills from your personal or professional life which we would welcome.
Get in touch
Our foster carers come from all walks of life. We are looking for everyday people to do something incredible by providing a safe, stable, and caring home for a child. You need to be over 21, have a spare room and be and living in or close to Lancashire.
If you are considering fostering, please get in touch with us via or enquiry form or call us on 0300 019 0200 to start your fostering journey.
If your circumstances have recently changed, you may now be well placed to provide a loving home for these children. If you have fostered with us before, please get in touch to offer the benefit of your experience.
Becoming a foster carer could also be an ideal opportunity for anyone who is looking for a new challenge.
Some of our carers have shared how rewarding it is to foster and told us more about their experiences below.
Foster carer stories
"I am in my sixth year as a foster carer. I have cared for parent and child and a baby and teenager with additional needs. The children in my care have enriched my life and with the help and support from my social worker, Children’s Services and a network of professionals, their lives have been enriched. I feel honoured and blessed to look after the children placed with me. I only wish I had chosen this pathway many years ago." Lesley
"Before meeting our current little treasures I would have said we don't have the time, resources ability, knowledge or the dynamic to care for children with additional needs.
And if I had, my whole family would have missed out on an enlightening and enriching experience, we could not have imagined possible. We have adapted very naturally.
Although our little ones (4 and 2) cannot yet speak, have low functioning motor skills and some sight issues, they are as loved, loving, entertaining, awkward and part of our family as any other member. We couldn't imagine being without them.
My fears beforehand would have prevented me from exposing my family and myself to one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives so far." Stephen and Caron
Carers looking after children with additional and complex needs can receive extra allowances, depending on the needs of the child.
Fee Plus is a payment foster carers may receive instead of the foster carer weekly fee, but in addition to their weekly child allowance payment.
There are 2 categories which makes foster carers eligible for Fee Plus payments.
We offer additional support to foster carers including:
- Specialised training
- Access to our Fostering Academy
- Buddy scheme with a mentor who would be an experienced carer
- Increased visits from your own social worker and/or support worker
- An out of hours advice line which is answered by a qualified social worker
Becoming a foster carer for children with additional needs in Lancashire means that you can help our most vulnerable children and support local families to remain together.
If you can provide warm and supportive care to a local child and family, foster with us, we would love to hear from you.
Find out more about the benefits and support you'll receive as part of our fostering community and about other types of fostering.
Get in touch
Make a difference to a child's life and foster for Lancashire.
If you'd prefer to speak to someone give us a call on:
0300 019 0200
Katie and Graham
Katie and Graham have been foster carers with Lancashire County Council since 2011. They currently care for 4 children, 3 of which have additional needs and attend a specialist school. Read more of their fostering story.