Philip and David

Philip and David

Philip and David are foster carers for two boys. The couple feel they've had excellent support throughout their fostering journey.

“When considering becoming foster carers, we both felt a little hesitant as we are an LGBT+ couple who both work full time.

"After weighing up the pros and cons we decided we had a lot of love and care to give to children who needed it most.

"We have been adaptable and flexible with regards to the working life of foster caring and have been able to bring two brothers back together who were originally unable to maintain a strong relationship after many failed attempts.

"The boys are now long term, happy and stable and we enjoy completing various activities as a family at the weekends.

"We have had a lot of support and guidance from the fostering network and we know we have made the correct choice in choosing to foster with Lancashire County Council.”

(Philip and David are not the foster carers real names as they wish to remain anonymous. Image posed by models.)

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Foster child and foster dad

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