Katie and Graham

Katie and GrahamWe are Katie and Graham we have been foster carers with Lancashire County Council since 2011. We currently care for 4 children, 3 of which have additional needs and attend a specialist school. We enjoy caring for children with additional needs and the best part is watching them succeed in the things we first though impossible; such as talking, riding a bike and reciting the alphabet. It’s the little things that most people take for granted, that become big achievements when caring for children with additional needs.

We love taking children to clubs and hobbies which cater for our foster children's needs, as this helps them to feel inclusive and it is wonderful to see them enjoy themselves and thrive. Often people think that caring for children with additional needs means that you can't lead a normal life; we disagree! As a family we go on holidays, take the children rock climbing, canoeing, swimming all the things you would do with children without a disability, it just takes a little extra planning and thought but it is definitely worth it, knowing you are creating wonderful memories for children.

As carers we feel fully supported at Lancashire County Council; our supervising social worker will suggest training courses for us to enhance our knowledge and is always on hand if we need advice or support. Managers have been fantastic, often coming along to meetings or advocating on our behalf to ensure the children receive support to meet their needs. We have lots of fostering friends that we keep in touch with. We have also joined additional needs support groups to again provide added support.

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