
Denise "Here I am, sitting in my garden with a cuppa while the children sleep, I’m looking back and thinking about the last 17 years of my fostering journey."

"It started back when I was single, early 40s had a very good career, nice clean, tidy house and lots of holidays. I was missing one thing in my life, children and a sense of doing something really meaningful. I thought long and hard about a change in my career path, it was a big risk as a single person I obviously needed an income, I decided to make that initial call just to see what fostering was all about and if it would work for me."

"I had a long chat and received some information through the post which if I wanted would be followed up with a visit. I decided to go ahead with the visit and was able to ask lots more questions. And there my journey started, my first two young boys. I have to admit I had to make lots of adjustments as I didn’t have a huge amount of experience with children, but it was all fine and since those days I have fostered many children. From 16 year-old boys through to 2 day old babies.

"I now tend to concentrate on mums with their babies as many are young teenagers with no idea how to care for themselves, never mind a baby as they have never been shown or had a mother figure to support them. Some people are put off by the idea of older children but many just want the stability we can offer. They quickly settle into a routine which is something they’ve probably never had. I can honestly say I have never experienced as much reward from any job. When my foster children have moved on to forever homes or back to family and I receive a call or a photo to tell me how they’re doing it’s a wonderful feeling of achievement and pride. Changing children’s outcomes is so rewarding.

"So, here I am, loving every minute and really wishing I had done it much sooner. My journey has been very varied and challenging at times. I didn’t know anyone who fostered children so didn’t have anyone to talk to that had the experience. Fortunately this has changed now and new carers have a lot of support and are buddied up with an experienced carer who will be with them step-by-step through all the early days.

"We also receive lots of training that really can help, we have support groups where we can meet up for a coffee and a chat and meet new people. We are like a huge family and understand the highs and lows. I have a varying group of friends, in fact one foster carer I met is now my best friend and confidante. I have a good relationship with my social worker who supports me on my journey. Many people say to me, “oh I wish I could do it.” I say just make the call and have the initial conversation because you can, I did."

Opening doors to fostering

We caught up with Denise at Christmas time as part of our 'Opening doors to fostering' campaign. She told us how she supports mums and babies as a parent and child foster carer and makes Christmas a special time for them.

The Christmas build up is a special time for our foster carers in creating happy memories for the children in their care. Many children may not have experienced the usual Christmas traditions before, like decorating the Christmas tree.

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