Katiya and Petra

Katiya and PetraWe are looking for a caring and loving home for Katiya and Petra. The sisters are currently in foster care on a short-term basis so we are looking for a long-term home where the sisters can live together.



Their personalities

Katiya aged 14, and Petra aged 7, are from a Polish family but speak fluent English. While living with their current foster carers the sisters have enjoyed learning more about life in the UK. Katiya and Petra have an older brother who lives separately with relatives, however they are unable to care for the girls as well.

Katiya is an approachable, funny, kind, loving and polite young girl and is very family orientated. She enjoys playing hockey, dancing, and being in the kitchen to help make food. Katiya enjoys spending time with her friends and going over to their houses for sleepovers.

Petra is a lovely girl who her foster carers say is a joy to look after. Petra enjoys helping around the house and looking after the pet cat. Petra enjoys going to school and learning, particularly enjoying art, crafts and drawing. She also likes to spend time with her friends and going to their houses for tea.

Background and history

Katiya and Petra's parent's were unable to take care of their basic needs due to their alcohol misuse and poor home conditions. As a result of this Katiya and Petra have been the subjects of neglect and emotional abuse.


Katiya has settled into school well. School state that she is an absolute pleasure and her attitude towards school and teachers is very positive. She enjoys learning but sometimes has issues managing conflicts with other pupils, however with support this is being managed.

School report that Petra is a delightful child who's very polite and has a great attitude to learning. Petra's learning has improved since she has entered foster care and she has excellent relationships with her teachers. She attends art club at school which she thoroughly enjoys.

Health and development

Katiya and Petra's physical development is on a level with with other children their age. Both the sisters are very independent and can manage their own personal care but may need a little prompting at times.

However, both children have experienced parenting with very few boundaries and need help understanding family rules such as bedtime. Katiya can become dysregulated if there is a lack of structure and the girl's current carers have found they are more settled if they know what to expect and when.

Family time arrangements

Katiya and Petra have contact with their mother once per week after school, which is supervised by the local authority and takes place in a family centre. The sisters also have contact with their brother within the community once a month.

Could you provide Katiya and Petra a stable and loving home? To find out more about making a difference as a Lancashire foster carer call our team on 0300 123 6723 or complete our enquiry form. We are ideally seeking carers in or around Lancashire.

This is a real-life case study, but we have changed the names and image of this young family to protect their identities.


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