Harry, Arlo and Flynn and Lilly

Harry, Arlo, Flynn and LillyWe occasionally have to find homes for larger sibling groups and at the moment we are looking for a special family for these lovely three brothers and their sister – Harry aged 15, Arlo aged 12, Flynn aged eight and Lilly aged six.

The children are currently living in two different foster homes, however we it would be better for the children if they could all live together.
Here's a bit more information about each child.

Their personalities

Harry is a fifteen year old boy with brown hair and blue eyes, He is quiet, sensitive and polite and is supportive of his two brothers and sister. Harry has started to come out of his shell recently and enjoys interacting with others and making people laugh. Harry has an interest in photography and enjoys playing on video games on his Xbox.

Arlo is a sociable and polite boy. He loves to talk to others and enjoys cuddles. He is very affectionate with his younger sister Lilly and likes to put make up and nail varnish on her and they play together with her toys. Arlo is very caring, has a kind nature and is sensitive towards others.

Flynn is a lovely boy with an adorable smile. He is an energetic and active child who loves bouncing around and playing silly games. He has lots of energy to burn and enjoys doing physical activities such as football, however he does enjoy board games too. Flynn is a sensitive and inquisitive young boy who likes to show and explain to adults what he is doing.

Lilly is a very sweet little girl who is very talkative. She has lovely blonde hair and a beautiful smile. She loves to play with and have attention from adults. Lilly is a girly girl who loves princess dresses and unicorns, but with having three brothers she also enjoys video games and playing football. Lilly is beginning to really enjoy playing outside on her scooter and is now generally more active. She is a polite girl and has a loving nature.

Background and History

The children have witnessed domestic abuse at home and have been physically chastised by their birth parents. They have also been subject to neglect and emotional abuse. They have often been in the care of their parents whilst they have been under the influence of drugs.


Harry has struggled with school as he felt he needed to be at home to clean the house. He does enjoy photography at school and his school has a therapeutic support plan in place for him, in the hope that this will give him the confidence to return.

Arlo has settled into high school and enjoys subjects such as Maths, English, Arts and Crafts, R.E and P.E. He is doing really well in school and has achieved a bronze award. He has one-to-one support at school and has a good relationship with his assistant teacher.

Flynn's learning needs are classed as a moderate learning difficulty. Flynn required a lot of nurturing in school but since he has moved into a foster home he is more alert in class and less emotional.

Lilly is on the special educational needs (SEN) register for behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. Unfortunately she had low school attendance in her parent's care and is now receiving support at school to help her catch up. Lilly has recently shown significant improvements in school.

Health and development

Harry has no problems with his physical health. He can have low moods and a referral has been put in place so he can get some support for his emotional well-being.

Arlo wears prescription glasses but has no other physical health issues. Arlo is on an education, health and care plan (EHCP) at school to support him with his emotional needs.

Flynn has no physical health needs. He is on an EHCP in school due to having a moderate learning difficulty.

Lilly has no physical health needs. Lilly is on the SEN register and her school are looking to place her on an EHCP plan to provide her with more support to achieve her targets.

Flynn and Lilly have settled into a routine with their current foster carers and are going to bed at a set time. They have regular meal times and a morning routine before school. Lilly turns to her carers for affection and both children have been observed enjoying playing board games with their carers and taking part in educational activities.

Arlo has also settled into foster care. He has said he likes having personal items like his own toothpaste and his own room so he has his own space. He has thrown himself into all the activities the foster carers offer and he is thoroughly enjoying them. He speaks enthusiastically about his first trip trampolining and to the cinema, which he missed during lock-down. His carers report that he is very engaging with them and will play pool with them in the house. He clears his plate after meals and hands his phone in at night when asked.

Harry's carers report that more recently he has very slowly started to come out of his shell. He has made friends with the other child in the home and is joining in playing football and pool with carers.

Contact arrangements

The children are currently having contact once a week with their mother and once a week with their father.

This is a real-life case study, but we have changed the names and image of this young family to protect their identities.

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