Asad and Inaya

Asad and InayaWe are currently looking for a very special family for Asad, aged 13 and Inaya, aged 11. The children are currently in foster care, but we are looking to find a loving home where Asad and Inaya can live together long term.


Their personalities

Inaya is a 11-year-old girl who is extremely shy and lacks confidence. Inaya enjoys receiving attention but can then feel overwhelmed. Inaya needs the stability, patience and care which will allow her to develop her confidence and self-worth. Inaya has a lot of potential and with the right carers would be able to flourish. Inaya enjoys reading, watching cartoons, and playing on the PlayStation.

Asad is a 13-year-old boy who loves playing sport. He doesn't like to see others hurt and will do anything to help them feel better. He enjoys interacting with others but sometimes loses his temper when he gets upset. However he is very good at talking about his feelings when this happens. Asad likes football and is always wearing his football kits!

Background and history 

Asad and Inaya were unable to stay with their parents due domestic abuse and substance misuse. The children were also subject to emotional abuse and physical abuse.


Inaya has struggled to concentrate at school due to the difficulties in her family. Her teachers believe that Inaya could go on to achieve academically given the right support. She attends school regularly and has excellent behaviour but can present as shy and withdrawn and needs support to build friendships with her peers. Inaya particularly enjoys science subjects.

Asad attends a mainstream school but has additional support due to his mild learning difficultly and dyslexia. But this is showing to be manageable with the right strategies and a lot of kindness and patience. Asad enjoys life at his school and enjoys learning, particularly about history, which is his favourite subject.

Health and development 

Inaya has no issues with her physical health, but sometimes struggles to manage her emotions. With a stable lifestyle and a lot of love she should be able to overcome this. Inaya lacks confidence and struggles to build relationships with the people who look after her, so Inaya will need a lot of patience and space to come out of her shell.

Asad is in good physical health too although he suffers from pet allergies and requires anti histamines when he has had contact with certain animals.

Family time arrangements 

At present Asad and Inaya only see their birth mother once a fortnight and are not having any family time with their father.

Could you give Asad and Inaya the home every child deserves? To find out more about making a difference as a Lancashire foster carer call our team on 0300 123 6723 or complete our enquiry form. We are ideally seeking carers in or around Lancashire.

This is a real-life case study, but we have changed the names and image of this young family to protect their identities.

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Foster child and foster dad

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