Publications for sale
For Spotlight Magazine orders - please use the order form in the item's description below. Please note that a postal charge of £4 will be added to any posted orders.
Cost: £8.50
This a is a digital booklet of 10 leaflets that you can share individually when it is relevant to your parents or display them in your parent's area for general information and support.
This is available as digital only, so that you can print as many as needed and personalise and adapt the content, perhaps adding your own logo.
The leaflets cover commonly raised concerns or questions you may hear from your parents including:
- toilet training
- behaviour management
- supporting their child's speech
- bedtime routines
- healthy snacks
The leaflets are suitable for all settings in the early years.
Cost: £11 (was £22)
Schemas provide a window into children's learning and this pack includes a wealth of information about these patterns of behaviour. The 12 individual cards look in detail at each schema in turn, exploring:
- the schema itself
- what you might notice
- how to respond to extend children's thinking
- resource ideas
They are a must for anyone working with children from babies and beyond and can be used in your early years setting as well as being leant to parents to support their understanding.

Cost: £11
Social development in children is a critical aspect of their overall growth and well-being. These 20 attractive cards contain activities and ideas to help practitioners build essential skills in children such as:-
- Building Relationships
- Communication Skills
- Emotional Regulation
- Problem Solving
- Self-Confidence and resilience
- Cultural and Moral Values, a sense of fairness and following rules
Cost: £22
BEHAVE Toolkit includes:
- a Roadmap
- Audit Tool
- 'Behaviours that challenge' resource booklet
- full colour printed training materials/ slides.
It is highly recommended that practitioners also attend the BEHAVE training to gain full use out of this resource. Behave - Lancashire County Council
As you progress through the audit and training materials you will learn about how the Brain is affected when the child is distressed and exhibiting challenging behaviours. How the full range of Emotions are ok, but how we can help children to regulate these. The importance of Home / setting communications and the importance of continuity of approaches between the home and the setting. Why Assessment is vital in understanding how and why the child is behaving in a tricky way. How we can support the child to feel safer and calmer through the Environments we provide.
The roadmap can be displayed for practitioner/s to view and the QR code on the poster links you to many useful websites, resources and specialist support bodies.
The booklet 'Behaviour that challenges' is a 61-page reference tool for practitioners to refer to when they are supporting and understanding why children are presenting with behaviours that cause concern.
This is a suite of training videos to support the knowledge of your early years practitioners and the ongoing professional development of your team. Each one is focused on a specific aspect of practice to support you in ensuring that key messages are understood by new employees or as a refresher for existing ones.
Options to purchase: A set of 12 videos for £55 (see below for details of Sets 1 and 2)
Once you have purchased the videos you can use them in your own setting as many times as you like, your access will be unlimited.
These bite-sized webinars are short (typically 10 to 15 minutes) to enable practitioners to balance training with their everyday work commitments.
Topics available are:
Set 1:
- The Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage
- Looking after babies
- An Introduction to the Early Years Safeguarding Officer
- How to use 'Development Matters' and 'Birth to 5 Matters'
- The role of the Keyperson
- The 0-3 learning environment
- The 3-6 learning environment
- The outdoor learning environment
- Attachment
- Characteristics of Effective Learning
- Supporting Positive Behaviour
- Talking to Parents
Set 2:
- Supporting sleep and rest times
- Supporting Meal and Snack Times
- Brain development
- Vocabulary development
- How to tell a story
- Key features of Effective Practice 1 - The best for every child; equality/inclusion/deprivation
- Key features of Effective Practice 2 - High Quality Care: responsive practice, independence and transitions
- Key features of Effective Practice 3 - The Curriculum: what we want children to learn
- Key features of Effective Practice 4 - Pedagogy; helping children to learn
- Key features of Effective Practice 5 - Assessment; checking what children have learnt
- Key features of Effective Practice 6 - Self-regulation and Executive Function
- Key features of Effective Practice 7 - Partnership with Parents
Please use the button below to place your order.
Cost: £5.50
This booklet is crammed full of more than 150 exciting and practical ideas to really motivate your boys. From cause and effect baskets to interactive story maps there are ideas that will capture their interest and support their engagement and learning.
These ideas are suitable for any early years setting and organised in the seven areas of learning and development for your convenience.
Cost: £11
This is a set of five staff meeting cards to support you in challenging learning and sustaining high expectations for teaching and learning in your setting. You can use these cards as an individual, in small groups or as a whole staff team.
- exploring dispositions of learning
- emotional intelligence
- promoting a positive mindset
- developing the environment and routines
- effective interactions
You can choose to purchase this as digitally or a hard copy so please state which you would like when you submit your order, using the notes section at the end of the booking form.

Cost: £11
Do you want to know more about the characteristics of learning? This document it gives an insight into what they are, why they are important and how to apply these in our early years practice. Playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically are explored as well as what the adult can do to support these. There is also a handy guide for parents as well as an audit to help you reflect on your current practice.
Cost (full pack - folder, booklet and 10 copies of each form): £38.50
The childminder documentation pack has everything you need to get started in one place. In the pack you will find:
- contracts
- existing injuries
- accidents
- medication records (long and short term)
- record of concerns
- attendance records
- child registration forms
- useful contacts
- emergency contacts
There will be supporting guidance with each document to ensure you understand what they are for and how to use them. Further copies can be purchased separately. This pack is fantastic for those childminders starting out in their new business venture taking away the hassle of having to create your own.
Further copies of individual sections are also available as follows:
Record of children's attendance x 52 (full year) £11
Contract x 20 £11
All packs for the following individual forms are £5.50
- existing injuries x 10 copies
- accident-incident record x 20 copies
- administration of medication (short term) x 10
- administration of medication (long term) x 10
- record of concerns x 20
- child registration form x 20
- useful and emergency contacts x 10
Contact information not for sale as an individual section

Cost: £5.50
This delightful and compact desktop flip book has one page per week.
The communication and language development of every child is high on our agenda, as we strive to give each child the best possible start in life. This flip book contains prompts, which can be changed each week, that relate to communication and language. There are tips for:
- interaction
- developing vocabulary
- suggested resources and useful websites
- typical development stages
- indicators of when to be concerned
The intention is to display the flip book in a prominent place for staff and families to see, use it at staff meetings or as a discussion prompt with parents.

Cost: £11
This book starts with a brief overview of early brain development with a focus on child development and how children learn. This information is then used to show resources and areas of provision that would support children to learn across all areas of learning and development through high quality enabling environments. Exploring the essential role of the adult in each area.
The book includes:
Continuous and enhanced provision for children under two:
- physical
- exploratory
- imaginative
- comfortable
Continuous and enhanced provision for children two to six:
- book
- mark making
- construction
- small world
- domestic role play
- sand and water
- malleable
- workshop
- painting
As well as providing lots of photographs to provide ideas, this book also suggests lists of appropriate core resources for each age phase.
Cost: £11
This book provides a wealth of guidance to help you understand and develop your outdoor provision. It starts with a brief outline of the benefits of outdoor learning before taking you through a photographic journey of the main key learning opportunities for the outdoors.
It includes how to provide opportunities and experiences for:
- relaxing and quiet play
- active and physical play
- exploration using the senses
- engaging with nature and the living world
- imaginative and creative play
- experiencing and investigating the elements
- using the locality
Use the guidance to audit your current provision, create a long term vision and implement your ideas. All practicalities are considered within this book from flooring surfaces, to planting and fencing ideas.
Cost: £8.50
This thought provoking booklet considers equality in early years settings and reflects on the changes that the Equalities Act 2010 has made to how we treat others and looks at what equality means in, and out, of our settings.
Included is a very useful equality audit tool to help you honestly reflect on where your setting is currently and scenarios to discuss as a team.
Topics explored include:
- unconscious bias
- protected characteristic
- gender stereotypes
- challenging conversations
- terminology
- promoting equality
Cost: £22 - order includes an electronic copy (when ordering, please include an email address for the electronic copy).
This EYFS principles into practice audit tool has been designed to support you as a senior leader, to gain a shared understanding of what quality looks like in your school's EYFS and to support accurate self-evaluation in line with the Ofsted grade descriptors.
It provides a complete overview based on the four guiding principles that should shape practice in early years settings from the 'Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage'.
By using the 'Reflection and discussion' prompts you will be guided towards a shared vision, values and pedagogy. There is an opportunity to make 'notes and development points' for improvement planning.

Cost: £5.50
This publication is designed to help you reflect on your childminding practice. This spiral bound flip book contains 12 categories and a few sub-categories, each page is an opportunity for you to think about your practice and be your own critical friend.
There is no prescriptive way of using the flip book, whether you choose to ponder on a quote for the day, doodle your thoughts in a book, or reflect on a single question for a few days – the choice is yours! This flip book will enable you to become a more reflective practitioner in a way that suits you best.
Cost: £8.50
This set of handy A5 size cards include 20 exciting group games for children from 3 to 11 years of age. They have been designed so that you can take them outside or wherever you have space to complete group games.
The games are particularly good in supporting younger children in school readiness but will also help all children in following instructions, listening carefully, making friends and being part of a team.
You will find them very useful in providing a structured adult-led activity and older children will have a bank of games they can play with their friends outside in the school playground.

Cost: £8.50
This is a fun filled booklet packed with practical ideas and resources to support phase one phonics with the three and four year olds in your setting. It includes information and ideas to use for all seven aspects and include:
- suggestions for learning
- assessment prompts to support progression
- activities to encourage listening and attention
- activities to encourage sound recognition
- resource ideas

Cost: £TBC - Available for pre-order only (available in March 2025)
This booklet provides a wide range of inspiring ideas to support you to review the effectiveness of your own enabling environments. Each idea shared is from a Lancashire childminder setting. These are covering all of the recommended places, spaces and opportunities for your indoors, outdoors and through your many routines of the day. A must have coffee table book! The early years team would like to thank all of the contributors to this amazing publication.
Cost: £5.50
This is a beautifully illustrated children's picture book suitable for children within the EYFS (3-5 years old). The main character is Aisha, she from a South Asian heritage, the book explores her adventures as she goes about her weekly routines. She is harbouring a secret and I wonder if you and the children can guess what it is?
Perhaps this could be a 'Window or Mirror' book for your settings book area.
Window books let us see through the glass / pages and learn new perspectives (perhaps about different ethnicities, cultural heritage). Mirror books reflect us and remind us of ourselves and our families. Many stories are both window and mirror books, showing us how we fit in the larger world.
Cost: £8.50
This sixty page booklet provides you with a wealth of practical ideas and strategies to create a mathematically rich learning environment, indoors and outdoors, for children from 8 months to 5 years of age.
It will support all practitioners to further develop:
- mathematical learning opportunities within both permanent provision
- enhanced mathematical opportunities
- opportunities through events of the day and regular routines
- current resources and loose parts for mathematical thinking
Inspiring photographs illustrate the limitless opportunities available in your setting.
Cost: £22
This is a set of sixteen of laminated cards that will inspire the little scientists in your setting.
Each card covers an experiment that will provide a 'wow' factor and encourage lots of scientific chatter for you to develop and extend children's knowledge and skills in the area of learning 'Understanding the World'.
Experiments include:
- magic milk
- tornado in a jar
- chalk rockets
- wormery
- dancing raisons
And many more!

Cost: £22
This toolkit has been designed to support and enhance your early years childcare provision by helping you and your team organise, evaluate and evidence your good practice and capture plans for further development.
The seven audit booklets cover all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage and include sign posting to further information to help you.
This toolkit is not prescriptive and can be used flexibly and be personalised to your setting at the moment.
It really is up to you to use it in ways that work for you - as a few suggestions, you could:
- use the booklets as dividers within a 'toolkit' file to give you a setting overview or central record
- delegate the booklets to specific members of staff to lead on – for example the designated lead practitioner could lead on the child protection audit
- use the toolkit as an annual audit for your setting – capturing where you are at a specific moment in time and providing you with your focus for improvement plan over the next 12 months
- work through the toolkit over a longer period, choosing a section at a time and really drill down on a specific area, threading from team meetings right through to discussions at individual supervisions
Templates are included to help you capture where you are now and plan for future improvements.

Cost: £22
This bumper 95 page handbook has been designed to support nursery managers in carrying out their role and responsibilities. It contains information and advice to help lead a team and provide the very highest quality of provision to families and children. It has been organised so that different topics can be dipped into at any time according to their priorities or challenges.
There are 10 chapters which explore:
- essential threads
- environments
- legislation and obligations
- leadership
- staff practice
- development and training
- parents as partners
- safeguarding
- recruitment
- inspection
The bank of self-reflection at questions at the start will help to identify strengths and areas of development to enable you to focus on your priorities. Reflecting and evaluating your own personal strengths as well as areas and tasks that you find challenging, may help you in deciding what approach to take.
There are also some templates which will support you with environmental audits, action planning and supporting staff with coaching and development.
Cost: £11
Use this toolkit every year to support you to meet the needs of every child within your class.
Watch the videos and consider the dandelions and orchids theory alongside the Leuven scales for well being and involvement.
From your knowledge of your children decide on your target group and plan to support this group throughout the year using this toolkit as a scaffold.
Cost: FREE digital copy only
This booklet is for you if you are working with children in the Early Years Foundation Stage and have children who are new arrivals to the UK, refugees, economic migrants and asylum-seeking children.
It provides a range of practical ideas to support the development of good practice and successful, happy learners.
Cost: £11
Are you ever stuck for ideas when planning your outdoor experiences?
This pack of 24 beautiful cards has been created to inspire practitioners with their outdoor activities throughout the seasons.
The beauty of them is the activities need very few resources and use mainly natural materials found in the great outdoors.
These will be invaluable for anyone delivering forest schools or nature-based leaning.
Cost: £22
This Parental Engagement Toolkit contains a wealth of tools and ready-made resources to help strengthen parental engagement and the home learning environment. You will also receive an electronic copy of the Toolkit so you can easily share resources online with your families.
Here are some of the time-saving resources you will find in the Parental Engagement Toolkit:
- Audit tools to help you to review your current practice
- Ideas for parent information boards
- Parent information leaflets - advice on bedtime routine, toilet training etc.
- Chat, Play, Read ideas
- Example calendar to plan parent events
- Sensory play cards
- Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning leaflets
- Access to a Padlet where you will find a range of websites and further tools to support parents

Cost: £8.50
This booklet is a detailed resource that will help you ensure that your practice is well informed about people, cultures and communities.
It explores how to provide a diverse and inclusive curriculum without being tokenistic and includes information on a range of topics such as:
- helping children develop a sense of belonging to their local community
- supporting practitioners who work in a mono cultural environment
- promoting diversity
- audit to review your environment
Cost: £22 for both documents (an electronic copy of the journal is included in the cost)
A copy of this journal can be given to all new practitioners to support them with their induction and to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to be the very best member of your team.
This journal provides managers with a flexible structure that will suit any setting and supports the practitioners to reflect on their knowledge and practice using prompt questions. This self-reflection then feeds into induction activities including meetings and supervisions.
Sections include:
- induction plan
- initial and ongoing supervision records
- reflection prompts around all four principles of the EYFS
- reflection prompts around the characteristics of effective teaching and learning
- peer observation records
The manager's guide supports you in using these tools.
This short information video will tell you more about this item:
Cost: £8.50
Children’s personal development is crucial for them to lead healthy and happy lives and is fundamental to their cognitive development.
This packed booklet will help you to support children's PSED from babies to 6 year olds. Topics include:
- helping children to develop a strong sense of self
- supporting children to develop self-regulation skills
- attachment
- building resilience and independence
- supporting children's health

Cost: £11
This set of six colourful A4 cards support and expand on aspects of physical development for children aged 0 to 2 years and can easily be made into home learning bags with the addition of readily available books and easily sourced resources.
Each card includes a rhyme to encourage action and movement and includes suggested stories, resources and activities linked to each theme as well as links to further information. The item is available digitally and as a hard copy.
The cards are as follows:
- I can reach and grasp
- I can sit up
- I can move myself and objects
- I can move independently
- I can feed myself and clean my teeth
- I can move and balance

Cost: £22
The physical development parents packs consist of 10 beautifully designed laminated leaflets which you can share with parents and could use to make home learning bags with the addition of readily available books and easily sourced resources.
Topics include:
- I can use tools
- I can crawl
- I can draw lines and circles
- I can throw and catch
Cost: £110
Purchase this set of 10 pocket sized professional development videos to support the EYFS in your school. These will be useful in ensuring that you have the platform for learning in place in your EYFS through considering:
- The EYFS in a Nutshell
- The Indoor Environment
- The Outdoor Environment
- The Keyperson and Attachments
- Child Development Overview
- Routines and Organisation
- Partnership with Parents
- Learning and Development – Building a Curriculum
- The Unique Child
- The Role of the Adult
- Transitions
- The Early Years Team and further support
These videos will be especially useful for practitioners who are new to the EYFS in schools and for those experienced EYFS members of the team who would like the opportunity to reflect on their practice.
Cost: £18
Helicopter Stories are tried, tested and proven to have a significant impact on children’s literacy and communication skills, their confidence and social and emotional development.
Based on the work of Vivian Gussin Paley, this book provides a practical, step-by-step guide to using this approach with young children. Covering all aspects of Helicopter Stories, Trisha Lee shows how you can introduce your children to the approach, collect their stories and then bring their ideas to life by acting them out.
The book is full of practical advice and inspiring anecdotes and includes:
- clear guidelines for scribing children's stories
- acting out stories together
- how to involve all children – even those unwilling to speak or act
- supporting EAL children
Cost: £8.50
This is the Department for Education's non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
If you are looking after children between 2 and 3 years of age, this guidance will inform, support and offer suggestion to help you to:
- review a child’s development and progress in the 3 prime areas of learning and development in the EYFS framework
- identify any areas of concern or additional development needs
- work with parents and other professionals to put in place appropriate support and intervention
Cost: £11
This booklet has a wealth of information relevant to all early years sectors and includes a wellbeing audit for you to use in your setting.
It is full of practical ways that you can audit and develop your environment and practices to really support every child's wellbeing.
It explores how you can:
- create a calming environment through colour and plants
- assess children's well being
- use strategies to support children's wellbeing
- build children's resilience
Included in the booklet are a set of mindfulness cards and a set of peer to peer massage cards to copy and use and many other resource references.
Cost: £11
This is an extensive, 92 page document for all early years educators to use. It is arranged into six chapters, each exploring an essential element of children's wellbeing:
- mental health
- sleep
- exercise
- healthy relationships
- nutrition
- wellbeing
You can dip into each chapter when it is relevant to your practice and your cohort of children. The wellbeing audit is included to assess where you are currently and to plan your next steps.
It offers practical ideas, background information to support your professional development, useful websites and much more.
Cost: £5.50
A communication friendly environment should make communication as easy, effective and enjoyable as possible. It should provide opportunities for everyone to talk, listen, understand and take part.
This booklet will give you further insight into how to resource both your indoor and outdoor environments in order to promote communication, speech and language for all early years children.
There is also useful information on how to make best use of daily routines to promote communication and language.
Cost: £11
The importance of physical development in the early years as well as ways in which moving and handling and health and self-care can be supported through the early years environment are explored in this handy booklet.
Cost: £5.50
You can use this booklet as a resource for staff or room meetings about wellbeing or to support individual staff members with their own well-being.
It focuses on the importance of the wellbeing of your team and is packed full of ideas to promote wellbeing on an individual level and as a team in an early year's environment.
Topics include:
- causes, indicators of stress and how to combat it
- the five ways to wellbeing
- super brain yoga
- links to resources to support wellbeing
Cost: £11
These are a set of seven double sided colourful A4 cards (or you can purchase a digital copy)
Each of the cards support you and expand on the reading of a specific book: A Great Big Cuddle; Croc & Bird; Daddy Do My Hair; Open Very Carefully; The Wide Mouthed Frog and Why do we need bees?
The beautiful cards contain supporting information for communication and language, PSED, outdoors etc, including links to further information and resources and activities relating to each topic.
The seventh card is a handy summary of the links for each of the six books for quick reference.
Please state whether you want this item digitally or in hard copy when you submit your order, using the notes section at the end of the booking form.
Cost: £11
This document is an invaluable tool and will support you as a leader and manager to self-evaluate your provision and practice using the good and outstanding grade descriptors from 'The Early Years Inspection Handbook for Ofsted Registered Provision'.
It will help you improve your provision or maintain its high standards and includes the views of others and the progress made by the children to determine what needs to improve. The rating system will help to evaluate your current position and then prioritise and plan next steps for improvement.
Optional summary formats for monitoring and evaluation are also included in the document for different age groups and cohorts of children.

Cost: £22
The aim of this 114 page book is to support leaders and practitioners to be clear about the legal requirements regarding teaching, learning and assessment within the Early Years Foundation Stage. It will help you to refine or create manageable, user friendly and effective systems to support your children's learning.
The book is full of information, ideas and templates to help reduce the workload of practitioners whilst still ensuring all our children progress as learners.

Cost: £11
These EYFS reflective practice cards are designed to support your self-evaluation of the EYFS in your practice and provision.
They can be used by individuals to help you consider how to develop your practice further or they could be used together by whole staff teams.
These could be dipped into over time as you consider how effective you are in meeting the requirements of the EYFS and can then support you in developing an improvement plan to develop and strengthen your practice further.
You might decide to look at a card each week or to look at a whole section at a time. The EYFS reflective practice cards are divided into 11 sections which are colour coded throughout the deck. These unpick each of the educational programmes within the seven areas of learning and development from within the EYFS and each of the grade descriptors within the four judgement areas from the Early Years Inspection Handbook.
Cost: £11 per pack
These cards can be used at staff meetings as a tool for managers to regularly dip into in order to support the embedding of policies and procedures into daily practice. Questions posed could be used to prompt discussion, explore topics further and embed knowledge.
Once you have discussed a topic with your team you will be able to judge whether:
- all staff fully understand
- particular staff require further support
- further input is required for all team members
Depending on the outcome you would consider next steps and add any tasks to your development plan.

Cost: £5.50 per copy plus £3 postage and packing
Spotlight magazine is produced termly by the Early Years Team and comes packed with with content from settings across Lancashire.
Printed copies are available to members only - please use the order link below to choose which copies and how many you want to order.
Cost: £1.50
Story grammar is the parts or elements of a story. These handy cards can be displayed in your setting as a helpful reminder to talk about the different elements of story when we are playing and interacting with children as well as when we are sharing stories.
Cost: £8.50
This subject champion pack contains everything you need to create subject champions in your setting who have responsibility for different priority areas.
The digital pack contains step-by-step guides for each champion to ensure that practitioners are able to audit, evaluate and set targets for their champion area and that the manager is able to track their input. A valuable resource for targeting CPD and improving supervisions, the subject champions pack is a valuable addition to any setting.
Cost: £8.50
This booklet is intended to be used as a resource for managers to support the development and improved effectiveness of their leadership skills. It can also be used to inform individual reflection and used to inform your leadership of supervision processes for your setting.
Topics include:
- requirements around supervision
- coaching, mentoring and listening skills
- understanding how teams work
Templates for:
- pre-supervision questionnaire
- supervision record
- management style questionnaire
Cost: £8.50
This large booklet will support you with your 'English as an additional language learners' and is relevant for all early years sectors. It includes an abundance of effective practice ideas and resources as well as exploring:
- stages of language development
- strategies to develop communication in English
- resources and activities
- parental involvement ideas
- assessment systems for EAL children
- intervention strategies

Cost: £11
This book features stories written and illustrated by 3 to 7 year olds during helicopter stories sessions in schools across London.
The illustrations were selected from over 1000 competition entries and the book was produced to accompany the 'Woman Who Cooked Everything tour in 2008.
It is a great accompaniment to 'Princesses, dragons and helicopter stories' or can be used as a stand alone resource.
Cost: £8.50
This booklet recognises that talk is at the heart of mathematical learning and will support you to prioritise time to talk mathematically and to reflect upon the consistency of language used across the team.
It is full of prompts to support the development of a mathematically rich learning environment and to reflect upon the role of the adult through quality interactions.
It includes recommended vocabulary for each mathematical concept, alongside practical ideas to introduce language in a purposeful and meaningful way.
Topics include
- promoting different types of mathematical vocabulary
- extending thinking with mathematical conversations
- mathematical routines
- promoting mathematical mark making

- full set of all six languages plus a set of bingo cards: £31
- any individual language packs: £4.50 each
- set of bingo cards: £4.50
The Walk and Talk cards pack consists of fourteen colourful A5 cards. They are prompts to give out or use with parents or staff when out on a walk. They will enable less confident staff and parents to use these to find key areas or items on their walk and talk about with their children.
The cards are designed to support discussion and help you to initiate and build conversation with young children. They can also be used on parents' boards and your display boards. You can also purchase a set of 14 bingo cards which are a pictorial version of the prompt cards.
The cards cover prompts for:
- At the bus stop
- At the castle
- At the library
- At the park
- At the shops
- At the train station
- By the canal
- By the river
- In the garden or backyard
- In the woods
- On the beach
- On the street
- Outside my house
- On the way to...
We recommend laminating them if you are sending them as part of a pack that parents can borrow.
The cards are available to purchase in English, Gujarati, Urdu, Ukrainian, Polish, Bengali and Punjabi. You can also purchase a set of 14 bingo cards which are a pictorial version of the prompt cards.

Cost: £5.50
This leaflet has been designed for you to use with your parents to share information about the outdoors and explain the benefits to their child.
Topics included:
- why play out?
- what will your child enjoy?
- how to support your child's outdoor play
- outdoor play at home
It can be adapted according to the needs of your setting and additional photos can be added to personalise it.