Pocket size training for schools

Who is this course for?

Teachers, teaching assistants and practitioners new to working with children in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Course content

This suite of short training videos will support the knowledge of your EYFS staff and the ongoing professional development of your team. Each one is focused on a specific aspect of practice to support you in ensuring that key messages are understood by new staff or as a refresher for existing ones.

How will you take these key messages into your class and ensure that they are in your pocket?

These 12 short videos (10 to 15 minutes each) will enable staff to balance training with their everyday work commitments. Once you have purchased the videos you can use them in your own school/class as many times as you like, your access will be unlimited.

£110 for the following set of 12 videos:

  • The EYFS in a Nutshell
  • The Indoor Environment
  • The Outdoor Environment
  • The Keyperson and Attachments
  • Child Development Overview
  • Routines and Organisation
  • Partnership with Parents
  • Learning and Development – Building a Curriculum
  • The Unique Child
  • The Role of the Adult
  • Transitions
  • The Early Years Team and further support


Delivered by:

The Early Years Quality Improvement Team

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