Business tools and information
Here are some business tools and useful information for new and existing childcare providers.
- Connecting with your business (DOCX 1.29 MB) - a booklet you can use to help you review your business plans. It contains useful prompts to help you think about your current business and how it needs to develop and grow in a changing environment.
- Financial planning tool (XLSX 90 KB) - a spreadsheet to help you to better analyse your staffing expenditure against levels of occupancy and the income you receive for this.
- Recruiting and managing staff - advice and information for day nurseries, pre-schools, childminders and out of schools. (School run nursery or out of school provision would seek advice from Schools HR).
You may also like to look at these websites:
- Professional Association Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) Business Smart - a collection of ideas, inspiration and tools to help new and existing childcare practitioners develop and maintain a sustainable business.
- Early Years Alliance - a suite of business support resources to help providers build and maintain effective business models for their settings.
- Early Years Business Zone - a dedicated, free to access, online resource that is tailored to the specific needs of early years businesses.
- DfE Early years business sustainability(GOV.UK) - Advice, examples and resources to help early years providers run a sustainable childcare business.
- Make a court claim for money (GOV.UK) - If you or your business are owed money by another business, organisation or parents.
- HM Revenue and Customs e-learning - an online training course developed with PACEY to help explain your responsibilities and obligations when it comes to tax and National Insurance. This comprehensive online training course from HMRC has been tailored especially to self-employed people.
- Childcare Works is funded by the DfE to provide support for childcare providers and has a range of resources including the Early Years and Wrap Around Toolkits.