Step with Boys in School
How do we support our boys to become confident and capable learners?
This programme will explore the differences between boys and girls, including brain research, physical development and learning styles, in order to understand the specific needs of our ‘ boys’, who are often at risk of underachieving.
A wide range of strategies will be explored in order to engage and interest boys so that we can meet their unique needs.
Throughout this self-evaluative process you will take into account:
- An equitable offer to both genders regarding their learning
- Staff’s underpinning knowledge about how boys learn
- Teaching and learning that supports boys in meeting their potential
- Inspiring environments where resources, opportunities and experiences fascinate boys
This will be done through self-evaluation of the effectiveness of your environment, the role of the practitioner, working with parents, teaching and learning, interactions, documentation and displays, assessment and tracking, EYFS leadership and management and the use of visitors and male role models.
The programme runs over two terms and starts every November.
The programme includes:
- A professional development training session for the class teacher and TAs to consider key messages for effective practice and cross reference these to existing provision.
- An improvement planning session to involve guidance on effective resourcing and actions to evidence outstanding provision
- Onsite mentor visit to support improvement
- Sharing good practice session